1、Snow White白雪公主
白雪公主(Snow White)是广泛流行于欧洲的一个童话故事中的人物,其中最著名的故事版本见于德国1812年的《格林童话》。讲述了白雪公主受到继母皇后(格林兄弟最初手稿中为生母)的虐待,逃到森林里,遇到七个小矮人的故事。
2、Little red riding hood、Little Red小红帽
3、La Belle au bois dormant睡美人
4、The Frog Prince青蛙王子
5、Candy house糖果屋
童话的英文是fairy tale
fairy tale 英 ['feərɪ teɪl]] 美 ['fɛri tel]
Fairy-Tale Gods 神话故事中的众神
Hollywood fairy-tale 好莱坞大片
Fairy-tale landscape 童话般的风景
fairy y tale 童话故事 ; 童话
Fairy-Tale Book 御伽草子
Fairy-tale world 童话天下
fairy-tale 神化的 ; 童话 ; 童话式的 ; 谎言
Fairy-Tale Road 童话之路
Fairy-tale elements 童话元素
Do they have problems too, like you and me, or do they live fairy tale lives?
That period of my life was a dark one and I had no idea that there was going to be what the press has since represented as a kind of fairy tale resolution.
青蛙王子 prince charming
狼和七只小山羊 Wolf and seven small goats
莴苣姑娘 Lettuce girl
拇指姑娘 Her thumb
野天鹅 Wild swans
快乐王子 Happy Prince
7号梦工场 On the 7th dream factory
第一次上街买东西 The first took to the streets to buy things
皮皮鲁总动员 Pipi Lu Story
舒克和贝塔历险记 Polishchuk and Adventures of Beta
大头儿子和小头爸爸 Bulk of the first father and small son
阿凡提 Avanti
稻草人 Scarecrow
宝葫芦的秘密 Gourd-secret
小布头奇遇记 Xiao Butou Archipelago
怪老头儿 Strange Lao Touer
铁头飞侠专 The iron-Xia
神奇的房子 The magic of the house
神笔马良 God T Ma Liang
精卫填海 Jingweitianhai
流浪猫和流浪狗 Stray cats and stray dogs
没有尾巴的狼 No tail of the wolf
十兄弟 10 brothers
1.打火匣/ The Tinder-Box
2.小克劳斯与大克劳斯/ Great Claus and Little Claus 11
3. 豌豆上的公主/ The Princess on the Pea 23
4. 小 意达的花儿/ Little Ida誷 Flowers 25
5. 拇指姑娘/ Thumbelina 34
6. 顽皮的孩子/ The Naughty Boy 46
7. 旅伴/ The Travelling Companion 49
8. 海的女儿/ The Little Sea Maid 69
9. 皇帝的新装/ The Emperor誷 New Clothes 91
10. 幸运的套鞋/ The Goloshes of Fortune 97
11. 雏菊/ The Daisy 123
12. 坚定的锡兵/ The Hardy Tin Soldier 128
13. 野天鹅/ The Wild Swans 133
14. 天国花园/ The Garden of Paradise 149
15. 飞箱/ The Flying Trunk 163
16. 鹳鸟/ The Storks 170
17. 铜猪/ The Metal Pig 176
18. 永恒的友情/ The Bond of Friendship 188
19. 荷马墓上的一朵玫瑰/A Rose From the Grave of Homer 197
20. 梦神/ Ole Luk-Oie 199
21. 玫瑰花精/ The Rose-Elf 212
22. 猪倌/ The Swineherd 218
23. 荞麦/ The Buckwheat 224
24. 安琪儿/ The Angel 227
25. 夜莺/ The Nightingale 231
26. 恋人/ The Lovers 242
27. 丑小鸭/ The Ugly Duckling 245
28. 枞树/ The Fir Tree 255
29. 白雪皇后/ The Snow Queen 265
30. 接骨木树妈妈/ The Elder Tree Mother 295
31. 织补针/ The Darning-Needle 303
32. 钟声/ The Bell 307
33. 祖母/ Grandmother 313
34. 妖山/ The Elf-Hill 316
35. 红鞋/ The Red Shoes 323
36. 跳高者/ The Jumper 330
37. 牧羊女和扫烟囱的人/ The Shepherdess and
the Chimney- Sweeper 333
38. 丹麦人荷尔格/ Holger the Dane 339
39. 卖火柴的小女孩/ The Little Match Girl 344
40. 城堡上的一幅画/ A Picture From the Fortress Wall 347
42. 老路灯/ The Old Street Lamp 352
43. 邻居们/ The Neighbouring Families 359 44. 小杜克/ Little Tuk 369
45. 影子/ The Shadow 374
46. 老房子/ The Old House 387
47. 一滴水/ The Drop of Water 395
48. 幸福的家庭/ The Happy Family 398
49. 母亲的故事/ The Story of a Mother 402
50. 衬衫领子/ The Shirt Collar 408
51. 亚麻/ The Flax 412
52. 凤凰/ The Phoenix Bird 417
53. 一个故事/ A Story 419
54. 一本不说话的书/ The Dumb Book 424
55. 区别/ 襎here Is a Difference 427
56. 老墓碑/ The Old Gravestone 431中 篇
57. 世上最美丽的一朵玫瑰花/ The Loveliest Rose
in the World 437
58. 一年的故事/ The Story of the Year 440
59. 最后的一天/ On the Last Day 449
60. 完全是真的/ 襂t誷 Quite True! 453
61. 天鹅的窝/ The Swan誷 Nest 456
62. 好心境/ Good Humour 459
63. 伤心事/ A Great Grief 464
64. 各得其所/ Everything in Its Right Place 467
65. 小鬼和小商人/ The Goblin and the Huckster 476
66. 一千年之内/ In a Thousand Years 481
67. 柳树下的梦/ Under the Willow Tree 484
68. 一个豆荚里的五粒豆/ Five Out of One Pod 500
69. 天上落下来的一片叶子/ A Leaf From the Sky 504
70. 她是一个废物/ She Was Good for Nothing 509
71. 最后的珠子/ The Last Pearl 517
72. 两个姑娘/ Two Maidens 521
73. 在辽远的海极/ In the Uttermost Parts of the Sea 524
74. 钱猪/ The Money-Pig 527
75. 依卜和小克丽斯玎/ Ib and Christine 531
76. 笨汉汉斯/ Jack the Dullard 543
77. 光荣的荆棘路/ The Thorny Road of Honour 548
78. 犹太女子/ The Jewish Girl 554
79. 瓶颈/ The Bottle-Neck 560
80. 聪明人的宝石/ The Stone of the Wise Men 571
81. 香肠栓熬的汤/ Soup on a Sausage-Peg 586
82. 单身汉的睡帽/ The Old Bachelor誷 Nightcap 600
83. 一点成绩/ Something 613
84. 老栎树的梦—一个圣诞节的童话/ The Last Dream of
the Old Oak Tree—A Christmas Tale 621
85. 识字课本/ The A. B. C. Book 628
86. 沼泽王的女儿/ The Marsh King誷 Daughter 634
87. 赛跑者/ The Racers 670
88. 钟渊/ The Bell-Deep 674
89. 恶毒的王子/ The Wicked Prince 679
90. 一个贵族和他的女儿们/ The Wind Tells About
Waldemar Daa and His Daughters 683
91. 踩着面包走的女孩/ The Girl Who Trod on the Loaf 694
92. 守塔人奥列/ Ole the Tower-Keeper 703
93. 安妮·莉斯贝/ Anne Lisbeth 710
94. 孩子们的闲话/ Children誷 Prattle 721
95. 一串珍珠/ A String of Pearls 724
96. 笔和墨水壶/ The Pen and Inkstand 731
97. 墓里的孩子/ The Child in the Grave 734
98. 两只公鸡/ The Farm-Yard Cock and Weathercock 740
99. “美”/ Charming 744
100. 沙丘的故事/ A Story From the Sand-Dunes 752
101. 演木偶戏的人/ The Puppet Showman 784
102. 两兄弟/ Two Brothers 790
103. 古教堂的钟/ The Old Church Bell 793
104. 乘邮车来的十二位旅客/ Twelve by the Mail 799
105. 甲虫/ The Beetle 805
106. 老头子做事总不会错/ What the Old Man Does
Is Right 814
107. 雪人/ The Snow Man 821
108. 在养鸭场里/ In the Duck-Yard 828
109. 新世纪的女神/ The Muse of the New Century 836
110. 冰姑娘/ The Ice Maiden 843下 篇
111. 蝴蝶/ The Butterfly 893
112. 素琪/ The Psyche 897
113. 蜗牛和玫瑰树/ The Snail and the Rose Tree 910
114. 鬼火进城了/ 襎he Will-O?The-Wisps Are
in the Town,?Says the Moor-Woman 914
115. 风车/ The Windmill 928
116. 一枚银毫/ The Silver Shilling 931
117. 波尔格龙的主教和他的亲族/ The Bishop of B歳glum
and His Kinsmen 936
118. 在小宝宝的房间里/ In the Nursery 943
119. 金黄的宝贝/ The Golden Treasure 948
120. 风暴把招牌换了/ The Storm Shifts the Signs 957
121. 茶壶/ The Tea- Pot 962
122. 民歌的鸟儿/ The Bird of Popular Song 965
123. 小小的绿东西/ The Little Green Ones 969
124. 小鬼和太太/ Brownie and the Dame 972
125. 贝脱、比脱和比尔/ Peter, Pete, and Peterkin 977
126. 藏着并不等于遗忘/ Hidden Is Not Forgotten 982
127. 看门人的儿子/ The Porter誷 Son 986
128. 迁居的日子/ Removing-Day 1003
129. 夏日痴/ The Snowdrop, or Summer-Geck 1008
130. 姑妈/ Auntie 1013
131. 癞蛤蟆/ The Toad 1019
132. 干爸爸的画册/ Godfather誷 Picture-Book 1027
133. 幸运可能就在一根棒上/ Good Luck Can Lie In a Pin 1048
134. 彗星/ The Comet 1052
135. 一个星期的日子/ The Days Of the Week 1057
136. 阳光的故事/ Sunshine誷 Stories 1060
137. 曾祖父/ Great-Grandfather 1064
138. 烛/ The Candles 1070
139. 最难使人相信的事情/ The Most Incredible Thing 1074
140. 全家人讲的话/ What the Whole Family Said 1079
141. 舞吧,舞吧,我的玩偶/ Dance, Dance, Doll Of Mine 1083
142. 海蟒/ The Great Sea-Serpent 1086
143. 园丁和主人/ The Gardener and the Family 1096
144. 烂布片/ The Rags 1104
145. 两个海岛/ Vaen欤 and Glaen欤 1107
146. 谁是最幸运的/ Who Was the Luckiest? 1110
147. 树精/ The Dryad 1115
148. 家禽麦格的一家/ Poultry Meg誷 Family 1135
149. 蓟的遭遇/ The Thistle誷 Experiences 1148
150. 创造/ What One Can Invent 1153
151. 跳蚤和教授/ The Flea and the Professor 1157
152. 老约翰妮讲的故事/ What Old Johanna Told 1162
153. 开门的钥匙/ The Door-Key 1176
154. 跛子/ The Cripple 1188
155. 牙痛姑妈/ Auntie Toothache 1198
156. 老上帝还没有灭亡/ God Can Never Die 1209
157. 神方/ The Talisman 1212
158. 寓言说这就是你呀/ This Fable is Intended for You 1216
哇哇报/ Croak! 1218
书法家/ The Penman 1221
纸牌/ The Court Card
. 幸运的贝儿/ Lucky Peer
没有画的画册/ A Picture Book Without Pictures
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