"Legend" full name "furnace slag stone legend: World of Warcraft heroes", this is Blizzard's "world of Warcraft"classic games derivative products, "World of Warcraft"after 8 years of development has been a little heroes of old age, but the influence on the 1 generations, "world of Warcraft" to people's game happy, but more good memories.
Furnace stone legend is a is not the traditional sense of the TCG trading card game. Model known as theJapanese game king is the traditional TCG game.Furnace stone legend introduced to other system, which makes the whole game won't like the non trading cardsthat are framed in, resulting in the decline of the game.
In the furnace stone Legend game player will see a series of derived from Warcraft classic characters, there are 9 major occupation for your choice. Of course, on behalf of the 9 occupation character is everyone for having heard it many times.
The game of cards, the hero of the occupation as the theme to form their own unique deck, and other game player to win the war, a new card, to enjoy the fun. Gameadvocated relaxed, quick start, the lively rhythm, the general in 10~15 minutes.
Blizzard in the game followed by their usual characteristics of "easy to learn, difficult to master". The early game player will be after the tutorials have a general understanding of the game, but this is just a game of the tip of the iceberg, TCG card the biggest charm is through the deck varied playing various combinations. Infinite change is a card game to game player addicted magic.
Hung the moon of Azeroth, adventurers on slag hotel with other adventurers around the fire, a glass of rumcomfortably a bureau friendly game, relax your body and mind, in order to prepare for tomorrow.
炉石传说是一款并非传统意义上的TCG集换式卡牌游戏。大家熟知的日本的游戏王就是传统TCG游戏的典范。炉石传说引入了其他系统,这就让整个游戏不会像非集换式卡牌那样被框于其内,造成游戏的衰亡。(点击查看 >>>> TCG介绍)
A Accel 速度 J Joker 王牌 S Skull 骷髅
B Bird 鸟 K Key 钥匙 T Trigger 扳机
C Cyclone 疾风 L Luna 月神 U Unicorn 独角兽
D Dummy 虚拟 M Metal 合金 V Violence 暴力
E Eternal 永恒 N Nasca 纳斯卡 W Weather 天气
F Fang 獠牙 O Ocean 海洋 X Xtreme 极限
G Gene 遗传因子 P Puppeteer操偶师 Y Yesterday 昨日
H Heat 炽热 Q Queen 王后 Z Zone 区域
I Ice age 冰河时代 R Rocket 火箭
1、纳克萨玛斯的诅咒 Curse of Naxxramas。
2、哥布林大战侏儒 Goblins vs Gnomes。
3、黑石山 Blackrock Mountain。
4、冠军的试炼 the Grand Tournament。
5、探险者协会 League of Explorers。
6、上古之神的地狱 Whispers of the Old Gods。
7、卡拉赞之夜 One Night in Karazhan。
8、龙争虎斗加基森 Mean Streets of Gadgetzan。
9、勇闯安戈洛 Journey to Un'Goro。
10、冰封王座的骑士 Knights of the Frozen Throne。
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